To say that I can not wait to see the backside of May would be a significant understatement
Where to start....
Oh I know! How about the beginning of the month when my infant decided to headbutt me and knock out my front tooth. That was a good one, I looked like a redneck solider! Score right!
Or how about that very same week, I had my tubal litigation (my tubes tied for those who don't get the lingo) and almost didn't wake up from 'light' anistesia (for the record, BP of 100/35 is a bad thing)
Or even better the very same week, I popped my tire- and for those who haven't noticed, my cell has been disconnected all month, so no cell, popped tire...weee! Happened the same week that my STD check had been delayed due to a fax machine error...and we had oh....ninety dollars in the bank.
Here's another one for you. Did you know your dentist can fire you? After my tooth popped out I went to a dentist. We started working on a course of treatment. (an 8,000 dollar treatment, mind you). I was going to do a cleaning, but I had my aforementioned tubal. So I scheduled it for the day after. But because of the anistesia issues, I was sleeping heavy and slept through my appointment. When I woke up and realized it, I called the dentist to apologize, and they told me not to come back. Fucking grand.
And it keeps getting better! This week I went to get my teeth fixed...and the day of my appointment with my new dentist, my car dies in the middle of an intersection...FIVE HUNDRED FEET FROM MY DENTISTS! (and still, no cellphone)
And the capper, the topper of the pretty pretty cake that has been may? My husband and I come home from my follow up dentists appointment (I did make it in the end) , and my house was broken into. Thats right, smashed window. The ONLY thing they took....the fucking ONLY THING THEY TOOK...
My old, used laptop. The thing isn't worth any real money. I loved it because I got it free, and it let me work and have a computer. It had ALL of my Origins work on it, all of my databases, all of my prep for scheduling. ALL GONE.
Come on.