Today was kind of nice since I didn't have classes (or at least I didn't think I was going to because I didn't register for any past 6:00 pm). I set my alarm for 10 am though for some reason and got up really easily and was then very bored. Last night I finished the album art I did for my friend Jack. I wasn't thrilled about it but I'm never thrilled about my art. Working on it and knowing the process of how it's made kind of ruins the magic and mystery, I think. For anyone who cares, it's behind the cut.
I went to lunch with Eryn and then went to attempt to change around my schedule a bit but I needed a few more signatures/emails as proof so that was a fail. Then I went to the post office with Molly to pick up my huge packages of stuff. It was so embarrassing too because they were huge and I had to push them on this cart all across campus omg.
Anyway, then nothing interesting happened for a long time except for the funny ginger episode on Tumblr with Cara. After dinner I met up with Cait and went with her to her art class. The teacher said I could take that class but now I'm frustrated because I want to take both art and acting but it's to many credits. :'(
I did minimal amount of homework today but that's because I barely have any. I did my chem hw that is due Friday though but I should do my pre-lab... but I have another week for that. Also, I have to organize myself because in addition to the fact that my schedule is a mess, I'm also a mess. I have no idea what is going on right now. negl.