For my own sanity, I'd like if we could say where everyone is staying now? o.o So many new people since was made.
So Jen is staying in the same room as Hube and.... IC!Anissina? *blinks, she had forgotten Ani* And Greta is staying with her twin and OOC!T-zhou, but then I got her kidnapped :D No idea where they're stuffing her yet, just Belal has her ^^
So what about the rest of you? ^^
As I understand it;
Room 1: OOC!Gwen(but he's away at war), IC!Al(ditto), OOC!Al, OOC!Gunter, and OOC!Murata
Room 2: IC!Jennifer, IC!Huber, IC!Nicola, IC!Adelbert
Room 3: IC! and OOC! Cheri, IC!Dan Hiri, IC!Raven
Room 4: IC!Shinou and IC!Murata
Room 5: OOC!Jennifer
Room 6: IC!Gunter, IC!Gisela, OOC!Julia
Room 7: OOC! Greta and OOC!T-zhou
Room 8: IC!Shori and IC!Gwendal
Room 9: OOC!Conrad and OOC!Wolfram
Room 10: IC!Yozak and IC!Conrad (but Con was away at war and was now also kidnaped :D)
Room 11: OOC!Yozak and OOC!Anissina
Room 12: IC!Anissina
Room 13: OOC!Shori
Room 14: IC!Yuuri and IC!Wolram
Shrine: OOC!Beatrice, IC!Ulrike, and OOC!Shinou
Stables: IC!T-Zhou
Dai Shimaron: IC!Belal, OOC!Ulrike, IC!Conrad and IC!Greta are headed that way.
Floting/Not sure about them yet: Pochi, OOC!KG, OOC!Ryan, OOC!Belal, OOC!Adelbert