I must be needing sleep

Mar 01, 2008 01:04

So I got 2 tickets for BoB.  And I made a loud 'squee'ing' sound, for many many hours.  And I gave one to Roz (
afrocurl), and there were more similar sentiments all around.  Well then I got the bright idea (roughly around the time I should have been packing for my holiday, for which i will be leaving in about SIX HOURS) to get a ticket for my friend Jak, who I just started getting into VM recently.  Of course I knew she wouldn't be as hyper about it as I'll be, but I was feeling kinda nutty.  Was going to be a surprise, but...

Well, I got the ticket (number 3 in about 16 hours), but I've kind of decided to give it to someone who knows what I'm talking about instead.  Though right now I don't even know what the hell I'm on about.

Anyways, ticket number 3 went to
fickledame.  And now I'm getting myself to sleep, so I can get to the airport for 6AM!

Gnight folks!
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