Which File Extension are You? annoying? im so sure. you know, the only thing that would be nerdier than actually taking this quiz, would be if i knew what this file extension was... no offense to those of you who do. own your nerdiness. that's hot ;)
oh! oh! oh! sean found his nintendo and hooked it up last night, and we played mario bro., old school! do you love it?! i, surprisingly, do not suck at video games. now, i wouldn't say i qualify to play in any tournaments, or whatever, but, im damn good competition, if i do say so myself ;)
not to toot my own horn, but toot toot!
i don't feel too well today. and background noise is REALLY bothering me....
so, i've decided that when i have kids, they're going to learn to play piano asap. then when they're teenagers, they'll be little piano prodigies =) i don't want to live vicariously through my children, however, that's something that i do wish i always knew how to do; and besides, they'll thank me later. at least, i would if i were them....which.... i guess ......throws my whole not-succeeding-through-my-kids disclaimer out the window. *shrug*
i want to go tubing. anyone care to come with?