[Rika is seated in a chair in her room, having just finished up tying her hair up into twin tails and tilting her head slightly before a small mirror. The little girl is dressed in a very ruffly-looking
waitress dress that doesn't look like anything you can find in Discedo.
She shivers, rubbing her bare shoulders with her hands. It really isn't an outfit to wear during this season. And normally, Rika would be too reluctant to wear something that looks like cosplay or if it came out from a penalty game.]
Mii... where's my jacket?
[After taking a quick glance around, she freezes up when she sees her communicator sitting on the bed... and not because she notices it recording...]
...Holla?! Wh, what... how did you get in here?
[Quickly rising to her feet, she dives for the communicator. The video moves away from her, bouncing up and down and darting all across the room. It's difficult to discern the picture, but the noisiness (and some frantic "mii" noises) must mean that Rika is taking chase. It doesn't take long for the culprit to drop the device and Rika to scoop it up into her hands.
A sigh.]
Did Ealdy let you loose...?
[The video then shows the culprit,
a little brown rabbit, hopping across the carpet and off-screen. Rika simply watches him for awhile... until Holla reappears on-screen, carrying a notebook this time.]
H, Holla! Give that back!
[And she starts taking chase again...]