transporation evolution

Sep 22, 2002 18:41

Work really is pretty awesome.

It surprises me how much I learn just talking to Feg, today I learned all about glassblowing. It was like a masterclass.

Fegtet: Derek
Fegtet: he gets all broken up as his emotion rises
Fegtet: yes sir
Fegtet: trouble in the lab
Fegtet: storm's a-brewin
Fegtet: hide your wimmimminfolk
Fegtet: in the sewers
Fegtet: with the CHUDs
Fegtet: who know nothing of glassmaking
Fegtet: and the terrible dangers
Fegtet: that come
Fegtet: when Derek's wrath
Fegtet: is enflamed via mistreated punties
Fegtet: When I went over to turn it off, I noticed that every single one of our punties was left in the water bucket
Fegtet: preach it brotha
Fegtet: he speaks from the soul that we all share
Fegtet: when our hearts are glass
Fegtet: and our souls
Fegtet: fabergé eggs
Fegtet: {this has been a spoken word presentation, by Fegtet}

If I ever fall in love, I'm going to feel bad for whoever it is... because basically I'm always going to love Fegtet more.
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