Nov 27, 2005 20:03
The thanksgiving break is over and all I can think about is the next break coming up. Three weeks left til break, 6 days total left of school total(I only go Tuesday/Thursday), and 28 days til Christmas. But whose counting right????? Two physics exams, a poster project, a final group presentation, and a final lit essay, and I'm home free!!!!! Being home this week really made me miss home......I miss Redford. I'm so confused and it's tearing me apart right now. I wanna come home, but I don't wanna hurt my dad's feelings. Ugh decisions. Change. Okay enough venting for now. Gonna go try to make plans for the night. Possibly Sandys with the boys. I miss my boys......and my Sarah and Celery. April poo I miss you too. It's been over a month, almost two since we last saw eachother. If plans fall through for the night there's always my bubba and he's good for cuddling.
TTFN Ta Ta For Now!