my god. what a day

Jun 03, 2006 06:16

well today has been interesting. my car broke down. actually it broke down late last night. dudley and i were trying to take a look at it when a storm blew in. we couldnt fix it, so i had to have it towed to the mechanic. by then it was already 3 pm. that was as soon as i could get back from school, seeing as i dont have a car. so dud and i go out to lunch. kind of like a too-bad-your-car-is-broken and a thank-you-for-trying-to-fix-my-car lunch. ugh. i dont have the money for this crap. so then he drops me off at brandons house because that is where jasons car was at. i try for what seems like forever to get that damn car to start. after that i cant get it to reverse. all of this is taking place while i am sitting on his soaking wet car seat trying to take his advice over the phone on what to do next.

so i get home and check the mail. i am waiting for the letter from finacial aid to tell me how much i will get in the fall. i need to know so that i can plan ahead. instead i get bills. the water bill is in there again. it was past due for a long, long time thanks to alec bouncing a check or something like that. so i knew that, but it still wasnt pleasant. but then i opened the other bill. it was the electric bill. it had stamps all over it saying "cash only." hmm. then i notice it says that the power will be shut off if not paid by the 12th. okay.... then i notice it says the last payment was no good. the check was bad or something. hmm. well i am not sticking $110 cash in an envelope so i call to find a nearby office. it is all automated. there are places in town, but i am not sure if they are offices or drop boxes.... since i am on the line and they give me the option, i decide to check the current balance and last payment made. the current balance is $410!! what the fuck?! okay, so i start hitting a bunch of buttons until they put a person on the line. the person tells me that the electric hasnt been paid since February!! see, the way we did bills here was that alec (supposedly) paid them, and then he turned around and asked me for my cut of it. i never saw any of these bills. not too smart looking back at it. another not so smart thing was that i paid some of the months to him in cash. cash that i had borrowed off of friends because he said it was due. BULLSHIT! he didnt pay those bills at all. in fact, he had bought time with the electric company by putting himself on a payment plan. the plan was to pay $212 now and pay the rest later. well the check he wrote for the $212 was no good either and the company had had enough of this shit. so they were going to come out today to shut off the power.

okay, so my car is broken down. it is pouring out. everyone that i know is going out of town today. i am broke and the power is about to be shut off. okay, great. so now i am losing it. i am so stressed out by this point. ugh. so i call my mom and jason and ask for opinions and advice. jason calls the company to see what he can do. they agree to let us shut off the power under the landlords name (yes, until now it was in HER name) and start a new account under our names. okay, so now the power can stay on and the company wont be coming after us at all for it since our names are not on it.

during all of this we called the landlord several times. the landlord is alec's mom, i should mention that. i left her a message stating what the bills said and that i needed to talk to her. she never answered my calls or jasons and she never called us back. the thing that is really lame about all of that though is that i am SUE she MUST have gotten my messages. because alec called me tonight, out of the blue. there is no reason that he would have called me tonight if she hadnt talked to him about it. but then why the hell didnt she call me back? she is the damn landlord, for crying out loud! anyway, i guess he could have been calling about his bed that is STILL here even though the new leases began here yesterday and he has been saying he would get it for weeks now. but i am sure it was about the bills. why would i want to talk to HIM about the bills? he LIES about the bills! I cant believe she didnt call. so i am supposed to leave the leases sitting out for her to pick up tomorrow while i am at work. i have decided that i am not going to. i am going to take them to work and she can call me and we can sit down and meet when she wants to pick them up and i want copies of them as well. you know, i should lock the doors when i go. she told the guys that there are no key copies to the house at all. that supposedly i somehow have the ONLY key to the house. not only did alec have a key, but there were about three spares in the kitchen that i saw with my own eyes before alec moved out. damn lying bitch.

so anyway, after that is all sorted out, for the most part. jason leaves town. i go out for coffee and relax. this is the pattern of the day. stress out, relax, stress out, relax. so naturally after coffee it is time to cmoe home and stress out. so i get online. i decide i will fart around with this registering for baby gifts thing. you know, just for a while. just to see what is out there.

yeah so i start with cribs. i dont know the sex yet, so i figure cribs is a safe place to start. yeah right. as soon as i get to the page i am confused. 3-in-1, 4-in-1, what the hell? there are too many options. so i call my mom. we spend some time looking over the options. her on her computer, and me on mine. we finally narrow down the crib we want. but i dont like the changing table it is said to go with. so we look for those. i cant find any that match that color. i dinf others that i like that match other cribs, but i dont like them or they are too expensive. so basically it turns really confusing and frustrating. altough i should mention that my mom was very helpful and a good sport during all of this. so we finally decide to go ahead with the changing table that is said to go with the crib, only to realize that they dont match in color. they both seemed to be honey, but no. one was light-honey. shit. are there other tables that are light-honey? no, of course not. NOTHING else is light-honey. so we fart around a bit more. look at other cute things for the baby, and then we get off the phone. i am pretty irritated when i realize that it took us an hour, and we didnt even really find anything. not that matched anyway. shit.

so then i go to just to see what they have. and within a few minutes i find this nursery-in-a-box set. this thing is the shit! it is a convertible crib (like i had been looking for at target), with a changing table and pad (like i had been looking at at target, only theirs didnt come with a pad), and a dresser (which rocks because i dont own one anyway). so basically, i found exactly what i wanted. and it only took me over an hour of looking at a different site to find it. shit. ugh. i am glad that i found something that i am really happy with. oh, and the best part is that the crib alone from target is $140, but the whole nursery set that i found at walmart is only $200. so it is a great deal for all of that stuff. i love how baby stuff comes all in parts that you have to put together. i think it will help jason feel more involved in what is going on here. he can contribute, well more than he has already. you know what i mean.

anyway, that was my day. thank god it is about over. i have to work all weekend and write a paper, and talk to the landlord and clean the house and do an inventory and move-in inspection. ugh. so i need to get some rest. goodnight to anyone that is out there reading this. hopefully no one is though. i mean, danm, it is friday night. i cant go out since i am pregnant, so the rest of you have to party extra hard for me. lucky bastards!
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