I was listening to Stern this morning in the shower and he reads an email from a person who is now boycotting Stern's show because of Al Franken's appearance on the show. The person added, as so many people have about so many different actions over the years: "It's people like you who made 9/11 happen".
Now, I would understand this comment if Howard Stern was having a "Money For Terrorists Dial-a-thon!" or trying to get Osama Bin Laden to call into the show. But Al Franken and Howard Stern have NOTHING TO DO IN ANY WAY with terrorism. The last time I checked, dissing George Bush and his homies did not promote terrorism, and in fact I think this free speech thing is supposed to be one of the reasons that America is so great.
I'm sure that the same person who emailed Stern to try and blame terrorism on him will also blame 9/11 on his/her boss, the weather, and the next person who cuts them off in traffic. I understand the loathing of Al Franken. I have never been a big fan of his myself. Franken is basically a liberal version of Limbaugh...only funnier. If you're going to blame terrorism on someone, I have several more worthy parties to call out. However, I'll move on instead.
Franken's first radio show is today. I really want to hear it, if only for Michael Moore. Unfortunately, I'll be in school, so I'll just have to get the news later. Plus, I don't believe I'd be able to listen to it if I was here. Oh well. Go get em, Franken. Finally, a liberal radio show. We've got the Republicans covered REALLY WELL, now the Democrats have coverage. Next, maybe we'll get an ACTUAL ALTERNATIVE!!!!!!!! I want me a Green Party show. Yeah...That's gonna happen on national radio. lol
Kyle and I went to see Tokyo Godfathers last night. It was really good. I was just glad to see Kyle before the weekend.
OOH! OOOOH!!!! I almost forgot to tell you all: my friend Megan was going to have a birthday party, but no one (except meeeee) could come. So instead, on Friday, thanks to Miss Sandra Dee, I'm going to see PRINCE!! Yay! I'll try and take pictures/get them online. I'm not really a Prince fan, but isn't it still exciting? Purple Rain and all that, I mean, come on!
God, I am SO SCARED about the results of my history test. I feel retarded. The teacher makes it really hard, words the questions all funny.
Now, here's something worth mentioning: A friend of mine from History has this GREAT band. You've gotta hear them. I thought, "Hey, this is actually original...That's original." Okay, that didn't entice anyone. But I digress. The band is
American Overkill. The sound is heavy and sort of jazzy. Why are you still here? GO NOW!!