Nov 24, 2009 19:16
According to LJ it's been 2 weeks since my last post..feels way longer =]
SO unimportant news about my life :
Anatomy & Math Test tomorrow ...
The BK near my school FINALLY opened
I have a ton of more guy friends lol
My sprained hand is all better
English class today was canceled =]
I Intimidated Mohawk Man ahahahaha
I want a guitar more than EVER
A7X has been on on repeat for quite a while idk lol awesome riffs
Went to Hooters for the 2nd time in my life and it was so fun with the guys XD driving back was even more fun blasting music
Elfen Lied is an amazing Anime i recommend it
Had one of those epic chats with Ramiro about anime & video games
2 more days until Thanksgiving <3 all the family together sharing, laughing , and pigging out man good times
and thats my life in a nutshell...hope everyone is doing well .. anything new with you guys i would love to know =]