May 18, 2004 21:04
I just went to Boston for the whole weekend.. and what can I say? I had a KICK ASS time! Boston is officially the land of hot dudes. I got so much eye candy it was like hello muhfuckas!I bought some extremely cool things as well. Three pairs of shoes, numerous amounts of earrings, millions of things from the CVS pharmacy, a bikini, a shirt, candles, 2 posters, one painting and 3 packs of my beloved marlboros :). We went mainly because of my family friend Sonias graduation, which was really boring and depressing. I felt so bad for her, 4 of the best years of her life are over. Poor thing, she cried alot. Her mom gave me $200!!! For no rhyme or reason either! I was like thank you! This is what I love about Pakistanis, so freaking generous, Id like to see some white Canadian parent give me that much. Being with Sonia and stuff made me miss Dubai even more and I am aching to go back! I jsut cant fucking wait. We're thinking of going to Montreal this weekend to go see my brother if he isnt too busy, but he'll probably make up some excuse so we cant come haha. My stoner brother :) I got high the other day with this dude and two chicks in my school, the dude was really hot. My mom was like asking me questions and I just had this prozac filled smile plastered on my face. Funny shit.
School today was depressing for some reason. Me and Polina skipped last period and we went to go get our nails done, well I jsut watched her get her nails done since I didnt really want one and plus I had the kit at home so yeah Im not going to pay for something that can be made at home with a little time and effort. I have this big project on Coco Chanel due soon. I love her name, its so chic and well put together. I lost two kilos YAY! One mmore and Im going to Thailand baby!!!
Im off now to go watch Sex and the city. Laterz x