
Feb 19, 2009 10:28

So, I am again sitting in my young adult lit class. My professor is probably the most boring person ever. I hate this. This class has potential to be amazing but he kills it for me. He really just sits and lectures the whole time. Why can't we discuss the books rather than him tell us about them. I think some good debates could come out of this class but instead he just keeps talking... and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking. It is so boring. I want to cry. We are in a freaking circle today so I can't even use this times to grade papers.
Beyond this class... my life has been pretty boring. Lets see... Thursday night Ben took me to dinner for Valentines Day and then on Saturday, I made dinner for him. What I made were these chicken parm bundels that had cream cheese, spinach, and parm cheese. It was so tasty but it was really rough to make. They just took a lot of time, attention, and messy-ness. Yesterday I worked and that was rough because I hadn't slept well at all on Tuesday night so i was really tired and kids were getting under my skin pretty bad. I can't find work for tomorrow. I am kinda freaking out because I am so freaking broke right now. I tried to go sell plasma yesterday but they wouldn't let me because I got pierced in December... what a poop shoot. I was sad. I am trying to get into some medical studies so I can make some extra money. I am a grader for the math dept so that would bring in a little extra money, but not enough. It sucks.
Anyways, I really have nothing left to say. bye
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