(no subject)

Jan 20, 2006 00:43

new insult!

"You glandular chipmunk!"
so. there ya go.

RENT is set in NYC. I knew that. La Vie Boheme = long live bohemia. I knew that too. Bohemia = the old name for greenwitch villiage in NYC. Artsy farsty area, you know! all the oddballs and awesome people. so...yeah. RENT makes a hell of a lot more sense now.

I feel like I should be posting something. hey, I know! how about the rest of the story. or part of the rest of that chapter that I've written of the new story...anyways. here ya go.


"Take your pick!" said the bat, rolling its eyes. "People banging on the doors at all hours, attempting to cast search and destroy spells on your "collection", fire spells, nosy neighbors...oh and one sweet woman who brought you a casserole."
Aurelia looked up, eyebrows raised. "A casserole?" she asked.
"Yes. Of course, it was one of the poisonous variety."
"Oh, one of those," said Aurelia, nodding. "Must have been a relative."
"You're a Wanderer, remember? You were disowned." said the bat in a sweet tone.
"Anything else happen of interest?" asked Aurelia, glaring a the bat.
"Youchy, touchy..." it muttered, shifting it's position uncomfortably.
"Sorry? Didn't quite catch that."
"I said yes. A man in a cloak came last night and left you a message. It's on the mantle." the bat gestured with one wing.
"A man in a cloak, huh? Well that rules out exactly no one of the male variety that I know. Would you like to be more specific?"
The bat blinked in annoyance. "Black hair, red eyes, one head with all nessecary attatchments, two arms, two legs, a torso, gold tunic, red leather pants, size thirteen shoe, a gold crown and a tatoo of that little black thing you brought home on his right arm, would you like anything else or can I bring you the bill?" it said, very fast and very sarcastically.
"No, that's actually okay, thank oyu!" said Aurelia snapping her fingers and taking the pen and paper that appeared before her. "Black hair, a crown..." she muttered and began to write.
"Don't forget the two legs, those are important limbs," said the bat in a serious tone.
"Thank you," said Aurelia, looking pointedly from the bat to the hallway and back.
"All right, I'm going, but don't forget to read the note!" said the bat, and took off.
"Goodnight!" Aurelia called after it, but recieved no reply. Smiling slightly she went back to her puzzling, writing down everything that had happened to her while she was away.

so that's the end of chapter one, it's 1:22 am and i'm butt tired, have workout tomorrow morning along with school and five hours of dance, so I'll catch all you pickle-peelers later.
The imperious princess of New York City, Her Royal Majesty and sometimes pain in the ass, Heather. Me. La Vie Boheme!
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