Feb 05, 2001 21:43
Jeb got me in the "mood" for mechanical animals. I guess, I dunno.
*ACHOO* I simply cannot stop sneezing. It sucks big donkey organs, I hate sneezing.
I lost my book report that was labeled as "pretty good, actually" by Mathew. Damnit. Now I have to write something like that all over again.
Jake is so shy, he wants to come home with me after school but is afraid to ask and of my parental units. Silly boy. The other night, he made it a point to tell me to call him, even though he was hinting in his own way.
Lord Justiis added me to his list on Jebbles command.
I wish Jeb luck with his thang he's got going on.
I don't have to go to school tommorow until 10:20. Yeehaw. Then on Wen. until 11:09, then on Thurs. we get until 10:20am again. sleep :)
Today, as I was standing with Jake amongst all the boys, random fighting broke out. At first, none of it was serious and all just in good fun. I asked Jake why he didn't join in, his reply-"because I'm a wuss"-my reply-"maybe because you're civilized"-"yeah, maybe I dont know". Cute.
That aside, I can get on with my story. Greg and Travis started going at it. Greg, a natural "farm boy" even though he doesn't work or live on a farm has both strength and weight to him (even though not all of his weight is strength). Travis, (he's cute by the way), is on the wrestling team but in the 112-124 (i can't remember) division. You can imagine the difference. All of the barbarion boys were cheering Greg on, I naturally felt for Travis. They didn't go at it very hard or long before laughter overcame the both of them, or so Travis pretended. It was quite obvious that he was getting flustered by using his maximum strength. After they stopped, the crowd of boys (excluding Jake of course, well ..and Jordan), wanted to see more. Greg wouldn't hit Travis. Travis then got mad. Damn the male alter ego. "No I won't hit him," - Greg. Greg also made a comment similar to "He's on welfare, he'll probly sue me or something" Travis got pissed. Things such as "You'll be working at mcdonalds for the rest of your life" were thrown at Travis. I felt extreme pain for him. They then went at it again. Greg, won for the most part, without really hurting Travis.
Damnit. Greg made me mad. He had no right to say that. I'll give him credit for talking to Travis and trying to make truce.
Lovely Me,