Feb 29, 2004 16:36
His eyes are even more beautiful in person.. :: smiles just thinking about them::..
My mom and I picked him up ...and like..I was driving...and my mom moved to the back so he could sit up front with me...it was weird...I've never had someone else then my mom to the side of me.....When he walked out...so many things went though my head.......I was nervous as hell....it was weird driving to my house..I didn't know what to talk about with my mommy being there....of course I just wanted to jump in the seat with him...
then we got the winodws xp thing started...and he tried to tickle me non stop..I didn't like that at all...hehe...Steve looked really tired...cause he had to work til like 5 in the morning....I felt bad about that..and him only getting a few hours of sleep then coming to my house..then he had to work from 10pm til 6am...
I so wanted my mom to leave and go somewhere...but she didnt really....
but we went into te kitchen...well..i more or less just told him ...and I really just wanted to hug the hell out of him..and..he kissed me!...lemme tell...I was smiling like..CRAZZZY....and he kept giggling at me..It made me the happiest person in the world....I've waited so long for it...
he's so freakin cute...
HE'S SO HOT WHEN HE HAS CLOTHES ON!....long story there..
then my mom left...and we went up in my room and layed on my bed...for awhile....then walked down to the gas station..
oh my god...my dog got so jealous of Steve...I was sitting on the couch and he was standing up..and we had our hands together...and Pepper...crawls on my lap..and starts like barking at him...then we'd go to touch again..and she would get all upset.. She's all mad at me today...she won't even let me pet her...
my mom kept pushing to take him home...I didn't want him to leave....
I want my licences more than ever now..
so we did..and we took the car...and I wasn't allowed to drive....but we held hands all the way to his house...I didn't want to let go....then we hugged..he kissed mah cheek..teehee... I didn't want to let go of that either...
so once we were to the end of the drive way I got to play 20 questions with my mom about him....She said.."He seems like a nice boy"
I kicked myself when we took him home last night....I noticed how shitty I looked...I should have gotten all pretty for him....GOD DAMNIT....then me getting sick...I hate having a cold..and now i'm getting nosebleeds non stop.....yeah....
but now...I'm just all nervous..cause..yeah...I have no idea what he thinks of me in person....
but right now I'm just messing with my mini disc player...and installing software back on my computer
his eyes were just so beautiful...