Feb 08, 2009 03:00
Went to Sergio and Jackie's for a Rock Band party. It was noticed this time that almost everyone who attends wants to play drums or sing... most Rock Band parties have everyone claiming guitar and base. This evolved into the topic of karaoke which then evolved into finding a karaoke bar to relocate the party to.
Good times, good times.
We tried Shenanigans but it was crowded with a birthday party... so I suggested a place I had only every been 2 times before almost a year or more ago. As it turned out, perfect small, friendly setting. ^_^
My default song is "Whatever Lola Wants, Lola Gets". I received a good response. The KJ announced that I was making a statement to the guys of the bar. This made me rethink having it as my default song. I just like singing a song with my name in it and of the songs with my name, it's the most flattering of the ones they are likely to have.
I walked near the KJ's table, then sat back down b/c I wasn't sure what I wanted to do and Sergio was motioning to me to tell me something.
The KJ called me up even though I didn't sign up for another song. I was on the spot and couldn't think of anything... so I selected "What's Up?" by 4 Non Blonds. I opened it to anyone else who knew it to join me- it's a hard song, makes me a bit nervous. This was interesting... I was tightly hugged by a thoroughly inebriated leather coat guy. Still, people liked it. I sat back at the table and drank most of my very, very vodka grape popsicle flavored beverage out of residual nervousness.
Later on, I did not go anywhere near the table and he called my name b/c he wanted me to sing again... whether I wanted to or not. I had no idea what to sing so he picked "Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac. I did ok... I know the song but it isn't one I walk around the house singing, so I had a bit of trouble.
All this is rather encouraging, though. There were other people I had never met before that cheered me on and told me to get up there and sing despite my continued apprehension.
*le sigh*
For someone who has always wanted to be a singer, I'm really not confident in my voice. It takes overly persistent people like this for me to even consider that I might be good. I feel awesome by myself in the car or inside my house... but in front of others I always worry that I'm one of those who thinks they can sing but really, really can't and no one has the heart to tell them.
The night ended with the Rock Band foursome doing "Bohemian Rhapsody- we engaged in all the wonderful headbanging and guitar noises that this song affords karaoke. Very, very nice.
I'll work on my Fleetwood Mac and go back soon. The more I karaoke, the more I can combat my stage fright without liquid courage... maybe.