i posted my resume on monster and career builder. i'm not in too much of a rush to find another job since this one still pays decent and has it's good days. i do have a long list of grievances, but as i was making the list i realized that all but 2 issues were known issues that all of us trainers have mentioned but still no improvement.
if i get another job, i want one that will help me out immensely when we move. i either need something killer for my resume, something that offers certification, or something that can transfer me out of here.
got a email from "The Lionheart Group"- sound scamtastic:
Your Resume/ New Orleans Interview
We have reviewed your resume on CareerBuilder.com and feel we may have an interest in scheduling you for an interview. Please take a moment to answer a brief questionnaire (below) that will further assist us in determining if a preliminary match exists between your qualifications and career objectives and our corporate goals.
Interviews will be conducted in Metairie on Monday of next week. To be clear, this position does NOT require a daily commute.
PLEASE NOTE: You have been sent this email because we saw something in your resume that would indicate to us a potential fit for professional business to business sales.
If you feel we have made an error, there is no reason for you to click on the compatibility profile below. Please simply go to the bottom of this email and click on the link that reads “Block this employer from viewing your resume”. This will permanently remove your resume from our recruiting process.
Click below for our online compatibility questionnaire:
https://www.thelionheartgroup.com/Profile?NEW The Lionheart Group, Inc. is uniquely positioned to attract, develop and retain preeminent field and management talent in an emerging industry characterized by high-growth and minimal competition. We specialize in providing business owners and employee groups of all sizes with cutting edge employee benefits specifically designed for identity theft restoration and access to the legal system.
We are looking for independent-minded individuals with solid interpersonal communications skills to join our elite team of highly trained business to business sales professionals. Our Agents can earn substantial incomes marketing our plans both as employee benefits and as valuable tools for business owners.
Candidates must be comfortable dealing with senior level executives and business owners. Presentation skills suitable for presenting to groups of 10 to 40 employees at a time are a plus. Candidates must be coachable and willing to follow a proven success system.
For more information on The Lionheart Group, Inc. and the type of professionals we are seeking in New Orleans and around the country, please visit our web site at
http://thelionheartgroup.com All additional details will be discussed at the interview, if one is scheduled.
Thank you in advance,
Beth Taylor, Area VP
The Lionheart Group, Inc.
sounds vague and not promising. i googled them to find out a few people received this same message in 2006- the company wants you to provide an "initial investment" and you "interview" with a room full of people.
how 'bout no.
Cafe Boheme is finally open down the street after a year or more of fixing it up... i think i'll wander down that way today.
my cat and justin's cat have a
myspace account. that's what i get for leaving my laptop on while i was at work.