my mom still uses dial-up. it's scary... a couple years ago i got online with my windows 3.1 computer just to see what would happen. it seems right about similar.
do you suffer from
blog depression? are you worried that you or a friend may
blog to death?
the above links won't help... but they will make fun of you.
blah blah blah serious starts:
a friend of mine (we'll call her Albatross) is so terribly worried about a stupid girl coming along and stealing her man that anytime this girl hops by, Albatross sees red and goes in for the kill. no reasoning seems to calm the charging fury.
i find this to be a useless effort. girls who like stealing guys are everywhere... you can't be everywhere... if it's going to happen, it's going to happen. no amount of rage will stop it. if anything, rage will fuel it.
as strange as it may seem, i welcome the devious girls of doom. if i'm with a guy weak enough to give in to easy Louisey, then i don't really want to be with that guy. if i can't trust someone, why be with them? and if i can trust the guy, then i have no reason to launch off my barstool into certain catfight just to keep her away.
jealousy here and there is normal. BUT there's a line- a thick, obvious, crazy line that gets crossed when twinge of jealousy turns into the incredible hulk of "i'm-gonna-kill-a-bitch!"
broken down, i see it as:
Louisey steals guy- i win: she gets guy dumb enough to fall for her and i get freed up for a guy worth my time
guy is trustworthy- i win: i get great guy that i can trust
but if i attack Louisey- i lose, she wins(no matter if she gets ths guy or not): i lose b/c i show her that she is a threat, which means she is worthy of my attention, which means there has to be something i see in her as better than me. if i see nothing in her that is better than me, then i don't see a threat. these girls normally have the type of self-esteem that needs to be constantly validated by other people. she wants either the guy to show her she is attractive or you to show her she is worthy of your jealousy.
if i attack her, you also show the guy you are with that you don't trust him. i don't care how many guys have been jerks in the past, you can't take their issues out on your current guy. yeah, you'll have stuff to work through and you'll get moments of doubt from time to time... but if it isn't his fault, DO NOT take it out on him!
you claim you can trust him, but if you attack her in jealousy, he will see it as you not trusting him. then YOU would break up your relationship, NOT her.
Albatross, you know who you are, listen to reason- you only let her win when you attack her.
blah blah blah serious over.
ah roooo.....
on a more random note:
at work, we all have outlook accounts to send officey notes to each other. a trend now has been to have a positive, motivational quote or phrase at the bottom in our signature. so i'll sign off with mine...
People often say that motivation doesn't last. Neither does bathing- that's why we recommend it daily. ~Zig Ziglar