May 27, 2006 19:11
I love having such wonderful friends. Today was Athena's birthday party and I had a great time. I really love that my friends come to celebrate my daughters first birthday. They all brought presents too which I told them they didn't have to do. The kids ran around and played with toys and played pretend (something about tornados and potatos) and created a mess. Athena ate her cake and played with it and made a huge mess. I got to hold Mr Jaiden who is getting so big and is so sweet and smiley. Ovaires hurty. It felt so good to be around friends and their kids who I absolutly love and just talk and be silly and let the kids run off some energy.
Two people didn't show. I really wasn't surprised that they flaked, but am upset that curtosy and respect that most show their friends was not shown. I called them both and got no answer. Finally I talked to one friends hubby and she wasn't "feelin well". She is never feeling well and I expected her to flake.
Even with the flakes upseting me a bit, I didn't really notice it because my true friends were there to celebrate something special to me.