Sep 11, 2008 17:01
Today is a day for reflection. Seven years ago, we were attacked. I still remember it like it was yesterday. The weather is even eerily similar - a gorgeous fall day - crystal blue skies and cool weather. I was a junior in college - and I remember I had skipped my morning class because I wasn't feeling well. I woke up and was on IM, and a good friend of mine's away message said, "There's some scary shit going on in NYC and we still have to go to school." That of course prompted me to turn the tv on, and I watched the second tower fall. I didn't go to class at all that day - later in the day I decided I didn't want to be alone in my room anymore, so I went over to the newspaper office and found most of the other editors there, wanting to just be around people. That night there was a candlelight vigil on campus- and even though I was not personally affected knowing someone who was killed, I cried and felt very scared and vulnerable.
It is my generation's moment that we will never forget - we will always remember where we were on that day and what we were doing. Just reading today and all the ceremonies brought back fresh memories and made the tears well up. I do want to visit the memorials in Boston - the one at the airport just was dedicated on Tuesday, and there is one in the Public Garden as well. I still haven't been to ground zero, but hope to get there when I am in NYC in November. I find that writing about it is carthagic -- the words just flow, usually along with the tears.
Anyway. Onto other things.
Vacation is finally here! Well, almost. One more day of work to get through, but I am already in wicked vacation mode. I have been since Tuesday. I'm headed to the Cape on Saturday afternoon, and Lisa and Heather are coming down on Sunday morning and staying until Wednesday, I think, and then my mom and Jerome might come down on Thursday fo the rest of the week. I so need the R&R. I'm feeling very restless and a bit burned out at work - and its been like this for awhile. I don't know if it's a sign that I need a change or if it's a sign that I just don't like what I'm doing anymore. I'm kind of hoping it's just a sign that I need some time off, and that this week will be good for me to recharge my battery. I really do like my job - and I'm good at it - so we'll see.
I got some exciting news yesterday --- well, backing up a little bit --- I am going to see Ours in Cambridge on the 24th of this month, and had resigned myself to going alone as it is a Wednesday night show, and its a late show. Everyone who I asked said no, its a school night, its too late, etc. I had been talking back and forth with my friend Erin who lives in Atlanta and who introduced me to Ours (Well, her and Robin did) about how I wished she could come up. She had initially told me that it wasn't going to happen because she had just started a new job, and how she couldn't take 2 days off. Tuesday night we were talking and she said she MIGHT be able to come up, as she had spoken with a co-worker and said coworker had given her promising news. So she talked to her boss yesterday morning and got the time off! Erin's coming to visit and see JIMMY with me!!! I think I literally squeed and did a little happy dance in my chair at work when I got the news. I can't wait. Plus it's her birthday, so it will kick ass for her too.
I am so excited to meet her finally. I met her through the David Cook boards, and we are both part of the infamous Chicago 9. Now it's more like the Chicago 16, but that's besides the point. I'm just stoked to share my first Jimmy experience with her. She's seen him 4 times and will let me totally fan girl. And its going to rock. Hardcore.
september 11,
jimmy gnecco,