I'm confused, of course I just woke up about 20 minutes ago and am on my first cup of coffee. And I'm trying to make my list of what to do today before I go to Dusti's this weekend.
So first of all, I had to get a new printer for my PC this week. I got one of the HP all in one deals. Look, it prints, makes copies, faxes, scans, slices, dices, makes julienne fries, cleans the windows, and makes a wonderful dessert topping!!!!! Since my printer will not work with Window's Vista at all, I swapped out with one of the manager's at work. Have I ever mentioned before how much of a pain in the ass HP's installation software is???? Just checking. Plus it will work with my MAC laptop too.
Anyhoo, Dusti gave me some fold out picture frames, so I need to take some of my pictures I used to have hanging at work and print them in color so I can put them in the frames. This way they are not hanging all over my new cube.
Now also, I have MAJOR PC upgrading to do as well. My desktop PC is good, just gotta get more memory and a new video card put in for the upgrade to Vista.
So I took mum out to dinner last night since I wasn't here for her birthday last weekend. I'm still kind of in shock I had her out of the house after 6PM last night. Usually this is when she's home for the night and glued in front of the TV. I also took her to Cingular yesterday to get her 8 year old, ancient ass brick of a cell phone upgraded. Now when she get's home this afternoon, I'll be getting with her to make sure she knows how to use it and put phone #'s in there as well. Her MRI yesterday went very smoothly and she should know by next week if she has to go for the surgery.
We had a long discussion yesterday morning, I need to get her to start writing down stuff about finances and insurance and will. This way she can keep it somewhere in the house where I know where it's at so if something was to happen, I'll have access to it. She seems to be in pretty good spirits though. Which is great.
putaindemerde, you silly silly boy you!!!!! Don't ever make me have to look at one of your posts again and see that you posted something about me not caring about you. Or else I will personally make my way up to Bah-ston and.....and........well........BWAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAA, you know!!!! =]