Just getting caught up a little...........

Feb 19, 2006 23:31

......on this new PC of mine. So far so good. I think the only thing I have left to do is the printer software, but all in all, this PC puts my CRAPTOP to SHAME!!!!!!! I love it.

Ok, so today I got in a mad cleaning frenzy around the house, but did get a lot accomplished. Last night was fun going up to LEBUZZ and seeing some people. OMG, I almost hit a deer pulling up into the driveway last night at the house. RUN BAMBI RUN. He was pretty damn big, and FAST too. LOL. Not sure where exactly he went to. But I hope he found Thumper and that cute little skunk!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, now that I got the camera hooked up to the new PC, here are the pics from Friday night at TWINKLEDOME. I will forwarn you now, there is a prize underneath the candy dish on the last one. Don't post back and say you weren't warned!!!! And now I give you...............

I so loves my animeoni!!! She rocks!!

domestikgodess and housebitch

Me and domestikgodess

housebitch and I!!!!!!!!!

Ok, this is Carol's (TWINKLE) massage therapist. She introduced herself to me and was really nice. I had to have a picture of her on this guys bike. It was sooooooooooooo cold outside, but she jumped on and gave it HELL!!!!!! I love this pic.


AFTER!!!!!! Damn, now why couldn't I get a box of candy with THAT inside???? LOLOLOL


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