DUCK!!! Watch your backsides kiddos 'cause Cupid's buzzing about and lookin' for victims! Where, oh where is one to hide? Why TWINKLEDOME 8: Love Bites! on Friday Feb. 17th of course! Glam-up your hot patootie in whatever "love bites" means to you (Tom... I expect to see you there!) and come taunt the enamored couples in love. Stir up some trouble y'all like I know you can!
And February babies... we got a bunch of 'em including Chris (THE Chris), Brent, Mimi, Beta, Melanie, Ramon and Joe. So find your favorite birthday guy or gal and get them some "sex on the beach" or a "red-headed slut" to celebrate!
So... y'all know the drill! Hunt around your love shack for something sassy to wear to vex the on-lookers; rendezvous your concubines, lovers and friends with benefits; and let's thumb our noses at the Hallmark hooey associated with this month and have our own naughty and beguiling bash!
As always, CAN'T WAIT Y'ALL!
"If you have a hunchback, just throw a little glitter on it honey and go dancing!" -James St. James
P.S. SOOOOO much other fun theme stuff going THIS FRIDAY Feb. 10th including:
80's band Mulva Twitch plays Fri. Feb. 10th at The Jungle. 7:30-8:30 Dirty dancing lesson, 8:30-10:30 Mulva plays the Bloody Valentine's show. Come in prom-wear or red.( &
Then starting at 10:30 also at The Jungle is dv8/Party Monsta continuing the theme with folks getting in FREE FROM 10:30 UNTIL MIDNIGHT if in red, fake blood or medical outfits. Mulva plays from 11:30-12:00.
And last but not least, Spank and Swank 3 at Six also on Fri. Feb 10th. Dress in formal-wear, fetish-wear or a combo. It's a red-ish fetish this month so red is encouraged too. GET IN FREE IF YOU SAY "RED-ISH FETISH!"