(no subject)

Jul 30, 2007 01:44

Ok, I've decided to marry both Pieter and Robert van den Hoogenband!!! We'll all 3 sleep in one big bed and have amazing sex and beautiful children!

I'm back...to reality that is! lol We've had some free weekends of HBO this month for some reason and I'm so hooked on "Big Love"!!!

Now for me personally, as the above example suggests, I will be the only woman! They can even have sex with each other...in fact I'm counting on it but no other females! Truthfully, I'm too insecure and too jealous for that besides a lot women are bitches. I have way more men friends and co-workers that I talk to then women.

Back to the show, aside from the multiple sex partners, I've always loved Bill Paxton and I grew up as a RLDS which has the same history as the LDS and the FLDS(which the show is based on.) I went to our RLDS university and they have a huge collection of documents on all that. I did several papers on the churches.

I never thought to check out the show before because I just guessed it was all these men getting off having a bunch of wives! Never the less, there's tons of history and adventure, drama, laughs and thrills even if you don't know any of the history stuff, oh and some hot sex if you like that one man with a woman stuff! LOL

Unless, it's me I don't need to see anyone having sex but the boys!!!

Ok, off to bed...I still have a couple days of yearbook stuff to do(not doing this another summer!!!) but I think when I'm done before school starts again I'd start a new religion.

Let's see...hmmm....something in keeping with my history...how about the WLDS or something fresh like WMMM (Women marrying many men)

Well, I'll work on it, may not even make sense in the morning! lol Regardless of the name, the main principle is that each woman work up to 5 husbands and the husband can only sleep with her or each other if she chooses.

I have the Hoogie brothers so everyone else is still up for grabs but Ian is still not looking too bad someone better get him before Pieter asks if we can have him!

Hugs to all and sweet dreams!!
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