Stolen from Ruu and James

Oct 20, 2007 17:36

1. Is your second toe longer than your first?

2. Do you have a favorite type of pen?
Yes. It's one I ganked from work that doesnt have a brandname on it.

3. Look at your planner for Oct 5th, what are you doing?

4. What color are your toenails usually?

5. What was the last thing you highlighted?
"The stratum germinativum lies on top of the dermis and thus has access to a rich supply of blood. The cells of this layer are continuously dividing, producing millions of cells each day." Integumentary Anatomy

6. What color are your bedroom curtains?
Sage-y green

7. What color are the seats in your car?
Light grey with colored speckles

8. Have you ever had a black and white cat?
I had a white cat named Cracker.

9. What is the last thing you put a stamp on?
The envelope containing the radiation safety badges from the x-ray room.

10. Do you know anyone who lives in Wyoming?
Nope...does anyone? xD

11. Why did you withdraw cash from the ATM the last time?
To pay the phone bill >.< I hate T-mobile by the way

12. Whose is the last baby that you held?
Some patient's child. He was awesome and giggly

13. Unlucky #?
7, 13, 23

14. Do you like Cinnamon toothpaste?
Not really

15. What kind of car were you driving 2 years ago?
1999 Ford Taurus

16. Pick one: Miami Hurricanes or Florida Gators?
The who?

17. Last time you went to Six Flags?
Never. Snoopy pisses me off :)

18. Do you have any wallpaper in your house?
Not anymore

19. Closest thing to you that is yellow?
Folder with bills in it

20. Last person to give you a business card?
The Lawyer that came into work

21. Who is the last person you wrote a check to?
Probably Blizzard. WoW <3's chex

22. Closest framed picture to you?
Asian flowers

23. Last time you had someone cook for you?
Last night my mommy made dinner

24. Have you ever applied for welfare?
Not so far.

25. How many email addresses do you have?

26. Last time you received flowers?
My birthday ^.^

27. Do you think the sanctity of marriage is meant for only a man & woman?
Since when did men and women abide by the sanctity of anything?

28. Do you play air guitar?
Not if i can avoid it.

29. Has anyone ever proposed to you?
Yus. Boys are dumb.

30. Do you take anything with your coffee?

31. Do you have any Willow Tree figurines?
Nu...figurines are for crazy people

32. What is/was your high school's rival mascot?
Rival? I have no idea. Almost every private school i remember had the Crusader as their mascot

33. Last person you spoke to from high school?

34. Last time you used hand sanitizer?
Yesterday. Yay Bath and Body Works!

35. Would you like to learn to play the drums?

36. What color are the blinds in your living room?
We have these ugly horrible lace....things. No blinds

38. Last thing you read in the newspaper?
Something about breast cancer and alcohol.

39. What was the last graduation you attended?
Class of 2001.

40. What is the last place you bought pizza from?
Papa Johns

41. Have you ever worn a crown?
Boy howdy.

42. What is the last thing you stapled?
Homecare orders at work

43. Have you ever drank clear pepsi?
Ew. Yes. Mercifully long ago.

44. Are you ticklish?
Mildly...ok more than mildly

45. Last time you saw fireworks?
4th of July

46.Last time you had a doughnut?
Uhm....a long time ago at Tim Hortons

47. Who is the last person that left you a message & you actually returned it?

48. Last time you parked under a carport?
No idea. Never?

49. Do you have a black dog?
No. My dog is brown

50 . Have you had your mid life crisis yet?
I hope so

51. Are you an aunt or uncle?

52. Who has the prettiest eyes that you know of?
Freakin Alex

53. Anything annoying you right now?
Yes. My mother

54. Do you remember Ugly Kid Joe?

55. Do you have a little black dress?
I like skirts better.
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