Aug 29, 2008 15:09
well, we saw a specialist yesterday to look at asher's feet and the structure of his feet, legs and hips. though she didnt' think there was anything structurally wrong, he is definataly very low toned and his muscles and ligaments in his ankles are VERY loose. so she's recommending he get little braces for his feet and ankles (called FAOs or foot and ankle orthoses). they are really cute, and small (don't think forrest gump) and hopefully will help him to support himself better to begin pulling up, standing and eventually walking to get that strength built up so he doesn't need them anymore. she did have an x-ray taken of his hips just to be sure they look normal and we haven't heard back about that yet, but she seemed pretty confident that things were ok there. he gets fitted for the braces mid september and then they are custom made. its pretty much the same thing as his helmet.
wish him luck!