Jul 10, 2006 12:28
So Friday started off to be a very stressful day.I promised my daycare people that I would watch the kids at daycare for a few hours as a favor so they could go to the DR.(she's 8 months pregnant)I was told it would only be 3 kids and my daughter,ok no problem.Oh yea,I was also told it would only be 2 hours.Well 4 hours and 7 kids later I FINALLY GET TO LEAVE.So then I go to the post office to pick up the hubby's check,it's not there.I go to my job to pick up my check,it's not there either.WTF!
So I finally go back home only to have my neighbor bug the shit out of me every hour for money we owe him.I keep explaining,I can't pay you without my check.Finally the hubby's check comes but I can't cash it until he gets home.Well now it's time for me to go to work.The neighbor starts calling me there!I freak out and have to take a timeout so I'm not mean to anyone at the bar.Finally I regain my composure and continue working.
So later that night everyone from work is going out to a drag show for our friends 21st b-day.Me and the other bartender April go to my house,change,grab the hubby and proceed to Aaron's house.We get there have a few shots then drop some E.April has never rolled before so we know this will be funny.All night long she keeps asking me to make out with her.So my hubby of course is loving that one.We had an awesome time.The drag queens were great.
Oh and the bestest news of all,Sat we bought a car!
Yea!It's a 96 Honda civic and it's cute and red!
So um yea,that about sums it up.....