Sep 24, 2004 23:17
Thanks everyone that made this birthday the best one of my life. Thanks for all the presents, the entertainment, but most of all your prescence. Just to let all of you know, incase you ever wonder, you are all good present picker outers. Hmm... this post is lacking ghettoizm and prevelent with crackaizm. Not good. Foshizzlemynizzleforizzleelvisizzleblockinforizzleblokindoesntdizzleatizzlenizzleizzleizzleizzle.
And the scary part about that is that it makes perfect since to me.
God is so awesome. I'm so thankful for His promises, and the fact that I barely know anything compared to what I will, just blows my mind.
I was in the x-ray room last Wednesday and I had a flash back of when I had to go in there after finding out I was going to have to have surgery. Immediately after that flash back, the radiologist is back in the dark room and she opens the door and looks at me with a troubled face so I'm thinking o know, something's wrong. I wanted to start crying my eyes out but God told me to just trust Him. At that moment I knew if I had to go through surgery again I could have done it, because what was different from the last time was that I trust God. Nothing was wrong thank God. I found out right then to more of an extent than ever before, how vital that surgery was to the relationship with God I now have. See when you never go through something with somebody, you never have any reason to truely trust them. So I'm thankful beyond all human reasoning that God trusted me enough to trust Him through that. There is no better feeling in the world than knowing what you are suppose to do in the world. It is the most fulfilling thing ever, no drug, no drink, no boy, no music, no nothing will ever be able to bring that kind of fulfillment. I think everyone has to get to a breaking point where they realize this theirselves, it does sometimes take drastic measures, it definately did for me, but it's all worth Him.
I love you....and you ;)