Aug 17, 2004 20:36
You ever have a time in your life where there is just something missing. Not a huge thing or whatever just something that's somewhere deep inside of you. You know it's there. You just don't know how to get it out. It's quite frustrating.
It's almost an extreme version of that feeling you aquire when fully dressed, yet one shoe lace is untied. Seemingly meaningless right, wrong. That one shoe string scenario can be what trips you up. I have got to learn to make myself keep going untill I can get that shoe tied back up again. Maybe this sounds like a bunch of bunk to you.
Bunk-meaningless information. No, I didn't make it up, Henry Ford used it in one of his famous quotes. Anyways back on the bunk thing, this may not really make since. It certainly wouldn't surprise me if it doesn't because it doesn't even make since to me.
Anywho,tomorow me and some girls finally arranged to be able to pray at the flag pole. I'm very excited, to be honest a little dissapointed though b/c we were suppose to do it today, but a few of the adminstrative authority members decided they would be crackas.
Attention Pelham High School First Priority Leader Thingy-you may be a really kool guy/guh but I'm not too impressed with what I've heard about first priority so far this year, which would be a total of squato. Ecspecially since today we had class assemblies and every other club under the Pelham sun was announced and disscussed in the gym the lower class freshman got stuck in, which I have come to know as the ice box place where you freeze your buttercup off aka as the memebers of the adminstrative authorities call it "the little gym".
Ok off the rant and rah that is PHS. I actually went to my locker today for the frist time all year, am I a quick one or what you guys. whoop whoop. I can't believe some of the people that have been talking to me at school and vise versa. Preps and cheerleaders galore, which leads me to only one conclusion, It simply has to be a God thing lol but for real. This one inner and outer blonde girl asked me today where Rome was and I was like um I'm thinking Italy. I haven't been too quick with my geographical memory this year myself, I forgot a few of the seven contenents the other day go me. Well peoples, I love you all, Discipleship and my bed calls.
Well I attempted to break this up better but well.
P.s. Converstaion while writing 5 pages front and back of vigorous notes in one 50 minutes class period.
Mr. Kellog aka honor's English teacher-"I want you to get your money's worth people."
My words of wisdom and whisper to a fellow classmate-"How about us getting our money's worth out of the copying machine."