suzie and happily ever after

Sep 02, 2004 22:38

lets just say that suzie is in love with chad but jayson loves suzie and chad wont get his head outta his ex girlfriends ass long enough to get over her and realize that hes passing up a good opportunity. however, suzie is breaking jaysons heart and really doesnt mean to be. but she knows that she can never be the girl that jayson wants her to be. that her heart belongs to someone else and regardless of weather he wants it or not, the truth is that he has it. he has such a tight grip on it that she cant even see herself with anyone else in the future. and she is so sick of being hurt and putting up with guys shit. hearing empty promises and time after time she believes them, hoping one day that someone will come along and theyll sweep her off her feet. Even though that would require her to fully trust someone, to give her heart and soul, and as badley as she wants to do that, she stands at the end of the cliff, looking into the great unknown. Not knowing what could happen if she jumps and who will be at the bottom to catch her. or how long the fall is, or even if she can ever get back up once shes down, and even if she'll want to. but the facts still remain that suzie is crushed by chad. and crushed knowing that shes breaking jaysons heart, that isnt her intention. so suzie is sorry jayson, she really is.
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