Jan 23, 2007 23:39
So law school, tres stressful. I don't hate it, but it is not as much "fun" as I was hoping it would be. Just keep chugging through, right little engine that could?
So, not to anyone's surprise, I miss doing shows, in any capacity. Which sucks, since it seems like everyone I know is in a show or working on something. And it kills me to go see a show and watch the choreography and go man, that blew, I could have done so much better. And this isn't a vanity thing, but a reality thing. I finally realized that was one of the reasons I started choreographing as much as I did all those years ago- I can't stand incompetence and bad dancing, especially after working with so many brilliant people for so many years (thanks Jess). So it was really nice to hear from a friend that he misses working with me. Thanks dude. It was like you handed me a valentine on a day when I really needed it.