Dead to the World

Feb 23, 2004 13:14

Proverbs 6: 16-19
"These are six things the Lord hates, Yes seven are an abomination to Him:
A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
A Heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethern."

I think this verse speaks itself...

I can't decide if I'm extremely tired or don't feel good. Just plain lazy could be added to the list. This break has been wonderful, and a much needed one. I technically get an extra day off tomorrow too, cuz I have to go to the allergist. I hate the allergist. They always make it sound like it's my fault my stupid medicine isn't working. I'm pretty sure I have no control over that. But anyway. It's gonna be another lazy day with Jared again.

Last night, won our soccer game 6-2. I scored 3. We played the other Hudsonville team, and they had no subs. We had no mercy, so they killed themselves. Haha. That's what I have to say. There's a little head-butting between the two teams, so we weren't letting them get their way. I agree with what Kara said last night "Half of this is a soccer game, the other half, according to them, is a beauty pagent." I laughed cuz it's very true. Good game tho. Went to Jared's game after mine. They ended up winning like 9-3 or something. His Calvin team scored the first two goals in less than a minute into the game. So after a while I quit watching. Awesome job tho. Afterwards I went back to his house so he could take a shower, then we came to mine and did the same. Called it a lazy night.

It was my sister and brother-in-law's 2 year anniversary yesterday! Happy Anniversary! I never saw or talked to either of them. But they're coming over for dinner tonight. Panera Bread soup... Baked Potato. Yum! I can't wait. But right now, I'm "babysitting" Ethan. He's sleeping tho so it doesn't really count. He should be up by now, but I'm surely not complaining. I'm not really a babysitting person cuz I don't have much patience for long. Especially if they cry uncontrolably. Hopefully that changes when I have my own kids. It pry will. I got woken up this morning so I'm half dead writing this right now. Excuse the randomness. lol.

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