Bai Tza app- Realityshifted

Jun 24, 2009 11:14

Character: Bai Tza
Series/Fandom: Jackie Chan Adventures
Deviance: Deviance 2, basically the Demon World episodes never happened and around season 3/4 time Bai Tza was dragged from the netherworld by a spell gone wrong and was trapped in human form.

Age: Well over 1000 but since she’s trapped in human form looks around mid to late twenties.
Gender: Female.
Species: Demon turned human.

Canon Used: The Jackie Chan Adventures TV show, excluding any mentions of her in series 5.


Psychology: Bai Tza was a demon sorceress, demon of water to be exact.

She was born the third oldest demon and the oldest girl and so has always been a bit bossy, a bit prone to trying to rule over people and being a demon didn’t help that one bit.

Bai Tza has a rather volatile personality, she’s well known for blowing up at tiny things, for not being willing to listen to anything, for occasionally being rather big headed and is often very vain indeed, often giving off the impression of thinking she’s better then everybody else.

She usually does think that, she can be rather vain and though not absolutely obsessed by fine clothes will usually grab at the chance to handle and wear them and most baubles.

Bai Tza is really a lot like her element, she can turn on people in an instant after looking very calm and has a lot of hidden dangers to her, she’s rather good at keeping secrets unless she doesn’t want to and usually is rather cunning with her affairs.

She’s also rather intelligent, certainly more cunning then some of her siblings and perfectly prepared to use it to her own gains.
She can speak a couple of languages, can write and read rather well and is rather good at planning for most eventualities and picking good spots to defend from.

It’s a pity that often her hot temper gets in the way of her knowledge, if it didn’t she could be quite the remarkable general… As it is she can still throw temper tantrums and so most of her potential is lost in a fit of rage.

Or a fit of obsession, Bai Tza adores the water, thinks the world would probably be a lot better if it was all underwater and most of her big dreams are to the effect of endless sea, she loves any type of water really… Be it rain, sea or lake she will protect it with her life and hates people who pollute it and kill the creatures in it.

She probably cares more about Lobsters then most humans actually.

Overall she’s a fairly typical demon, ruthless, harboring little respect for anybody but herself, content to rule over places, often insanely jealous and usually prone to overreacting about minor things.

Except now she’s a fairly typical human, which means that she’s had to learn not to always insult and not to try and hurt people for her own safety… It also means that she’s acquired a faint conscience and a few soft spots for some human inventions.

She’s still a ruthless, rather cunning demon though, still not at all nice… And she certainly has a vengeance list and a very cold attitude to humans still.

And she’s just waiting for a chance to become a demon again and take over the world, it is in her nature after all.

Other Skills/Abilities: She’s generally a normal human now… Though she’s rather more fluid in her movements then most humans, can hold her breath for a longer period of time, is largely unaffected by pressure and can still manipulate small pools of water.

Other Weaknesses: Eating anything without salt in it will usually cause her to become rather ill, she’s not very strong in her human form and since she’s still getting used to being in human form can be a bit clumsy on her legs and can be a bit clumsy overall.

History: Bai Tza was born a demon sorceress, one of eight siblings and the oldest girl and third oldest of them (although very quickly followed by Po Kong.)

Her mother died of an infection after giving birth to her youngest brother, His Wu, and so Bai Tza was left as the de facto mother figure… Was she ever a mother figure? Heck no is the answer; Dai Gui had more mothering genes then Bai Tza who would have quite happily murdered most of her siblings the moment her mother had died.

Unfortunately her father was still around and so for another century she was kept strictly in what is now North America… That is, until she managed to persuade Tchang Zu and Shendu to finish their old man off and finally she was free.

Well, until Dai Gui suggested world domination and all of them leapt on the idea… That took another good century and at the end the world was theirs.

Tchang Zu and Shendu were given China and North America for killing their father and starting the whole world domination quest and the rest of the demons split it up among themselves… Bai Tza got all the Oceans.

This was considered a fairly bad deal by most of her siblings but since Bai Tza was a demon of water she was very happy with the arrangement, settling down to rule in Atlantis for many fairly uneventful years (apart from that brief spot of trouble caused by Shendu’s brat of a son but that was easily fixed)…

Until disaster struck, until eight servants of them met and decided that they no longer wanted demons ruling the earth.

Bai Tza was on her way for a meeting with brother Tso Lan when her banisher struck, Iron-Crutch Li used his gourd to trap her and then banished her to the Demon Netherworld, the rest of her siblings were either already there or followed her quickly and then all of them were trapped.

Originally Shendu was there but he managed to escape with the aid of a loyal servant… Unfortunately he displayed no inclination to rescue the rest of his siblings and eventually was bound in a statue and was unable to help them anyway.

So millennia passed, Bai Tza and her siblings stuck in a world with no humans, no earth and certainly no water, having little hope of some human stumbling across a legend of them and trying to free them.

Then Shendu returned, the Chan’s had destroyed him and now he bitterly wanted revenge… But he had betrayed them, had made no effort to rescue them and demon sorcerers are never known to be very forgiving.

Before the eternal torture could properly start though Shendu suggested a plan: that he, being a spirit, could cross over worlds, possess a human and bring his brothers and sisters back again.

But nor are Demon Sorcerers very trusting, they bound their brother with a spell and sent him off to choose one body to free them in.

Then the wait started, Bai Tza’s portal was last and so she watched as her siblings entered the human world again and were quickly sent back to languish in the Demon Netherworld and lament over their failure… And Bai Tza started to worry, just a little and started to try and find a way not to be banished back by the Chan’s.

So when her turn finally came she had the sense to flee from the Chan’s when they arrived (after yelling at Shendu of course) and so escaped, off to get back to Atlantis...

But time had taken its toll; Atlantis was in ruins, all servants gone and most buildings collapsed.

The other Demon Sorcerers hadn’t felt such attachment to the centre of their empires, Bai Tza however had loved Atlantis and genuinely mourned its loss… Of course being a demon she didn’t cry, she got rather angry.

Shooting up to the surface she found Shendu and ignoring his pleadings demanded him and his helpers to find her a new place to rule… One of them suggested Las Angeles as the perfect place and mentioned a fault lie… Well, Bai Tza was hooked, she set off to flood the city and make it her new place to rule.

Unfortunately the Chan’s (with the help of the sniveling mortal her brother had possessed) intervened again and saved the day… This time her escape was even narrower and Bai Tza became even madder, steps would have to be taken to ensure the Chan’s ever bothered her again after she had reestablished her empire.

Unfortunately then she slipped up, she hadn’t expected the Chan’s to be there when she had tried to take that temple as a base and as a result she was banished… Along with the Chan girl, Shendu assured them that his portal could get all of them through but then the Chan girl told them very firmly that he was lying and… Well, she was right.

And she managed to get through the portal, which left all the demons trapped again… With Shendu back.

But before the eternal torture could begin again Bai Tza felt a portal opening, she turned around… And was sucked back into the human world, into a human body too.

Some children had preformed a spell wrong and had summoned her accidentally… Unfortunately they had preformed the spell wrong rather well and she was completely trapped in this human body.

Eventually she managed to escape the house and headed to California… When she got there she realized that she could hardly go to the Chan’s for help and instead diverted her course to a town close to a beach, where she has been living for the past Two years trapped in human form with little of her powers left.

And she still hasn’t quite caught the hang of walking.

Canon point: Start of season 5.

Reality Description: Basically earth, 2008, a small town in California near a beach.

Except this earth has demons, lots of demons and lots of things created or used against demons… Like magic, magic exists in Bai Tza’s universe and can be used by most people except most people have no clue that it exists or are too terrified to use it.

And the demons, there were once lots of demons but long ago Bai Tza and her siblings banished most of them in their taking over the world phase and left the eight demon sorcerers (and the one demon brat.)

They are also banished; all of them are in the Demon Netherworld apart from three… Bai Tza, who is stuck as a human, Shendu, who is again stuck as a stature and Drago who is on a Demon chi hunt and thus travels a lot.

Basically Bai Tza’s life is a fairly normal human life… Except with the potential to have sudden demons and Chi wizards (AKA the Chan’s, a family with one warrior, two Chi wizards (one isn’t technically related to them but he still counts) and a brat who is surprisingly good at fighting) appear and cause havoc.

jca, realityshifted, application, bai tza

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