This Post Will End My Social Life FOREVER!!!!!

Mar 20, 2009 13:03

By social life, I mean my friendship with my best friend may suffer for this, but I must tell the truth.

There are three things of which I am certain,

1. Val will probably e-mail, call, or post an angry hateful comment about this.

2. The Twilight movie was AMAZING and I can't wait to buy it.

3. I am now reading the Twilight books and I love them.

So, sorry Val I know you hate the thought of Twilight, but I indeed do like it. No, Edward is not my favorite and I do not love him, I fancy Jasper. But, I do like it, and I am glad I gave it another chance. I happen to hate it when something gets so popular and people from everywhere and telling me I have to get into it because I would like it. I feel pressured to like it and (most times) to read it. That's how I felt at first about Twilight. Between my sister, her fiancee, my mother, and the world, I felt like they were telling me I had to get into this. I tried. I read the first 8 pages on Amazon, but I just thought it was the most boring and annoying piece of crap ever and I was content to leave it that way. Then my friend Kalei took me to see the movie. I consented,  any movie with vampires I would love to see, and so we went. I actually skipped some classes so I could go. I was so impressed by the movie, I would totally see it again, and pay full price to see it again. But it comes out Wednesday, so I will wait. Anyway, we talked about the movie afterward and how I couldn't really get into the book, how it took me 30 minutes to force myself through the 8 pages. And she just asked me if I would give the book another chance. I thought for a second, I was surprised that she actually asked me instead of unleashing this whole speech on how I HAD to read the book because I would LOVE the book and it is SOOO AMAZING that if I don't I could totally DIE! No, she asked me. Simply asked if I would try reading the first eight pages again. So, I went back to my room and read the first 8 pages. I was done in a few minutes. Later I asked to borrow her book and I started reading yesterday. I am almost finished with the book.

AND I LIKE IT. Yes, I am admitting that I like the book, movie, etc.

So there you have it, I gave Twilight a chance and I am GLAD that I did. :)

Thus ends my confession and social life.

twilight, confession, books, awesomeness

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