May 01, 2009 22:28
I made this Nov of 2004. Lets see if it stil applies:
Tuna is the best. Lemme tell you why. This will have to be quick, my lunch is over in 15 minutes.
She cooks for me
She laughs at my jokes, and they're not even funny.
She got me a job with the Girl Scouts
She drowns my sorrows with likker
Did I mention she cooks for me?
She calls me just to make fun of Greggy =)
She never makes me cry
She doesn't bail on me on Friday nights
Her jokes are insane
She dyed my hair (more like painted it with bleach)
She e-mails me at work
She can type faster than I can, which means she responds faster.
She doesn't think I am stupid
She supports me in everything I do.
She makes fun of Wheeler people with me
She likes pink
She listens to Metallica and Green Day
She isn't jealous
She sends me funny links at work (Ettiquette Hell)
I am her Maid of Honor
She listens to her heart
She is going to buy me everything for Christmas (Donkey)
She is a freak with me
She tracked me down like a dog after I moved
I can call her at 5am and she won't beat me up
Shes a little bit country, a little bit metal, a little bit nuts =)
She knows that no matter how long I make this list, it could never ever list EVERYTHING.