Apr 30, 2009 12:39
So I had to tell Erin I couldn't watch Shannon tomorrow. Yesterday, I had to take Erin to immediate care at the clinic because she was "super sick" and thought she had Swine Flu. Alas, it is a simple flu (like I told her) and the doctor told her to take it easy and lysol everything she owned.
Fast forward to this morning, Erin asked me to watch Shannon tomorrow morning so she could see her shrink. Um, hello? You want me to bring my kid into your germ infested house to hang out with your kid with a super snotty runny nose and coughs? Thanks, but I'll have to pass. If I can avoid getting Lily sick, I will. Now I feel bad, but dammit who watched MY kid while I see my shrink? Thassrite, me. Who watches her so I can clean? Me again.
On the upside, I got the apartment cleaned. My landlord told me last night that sometime on Saturday they're bringing someone over to show them the place. Thats fine and all, but its full of boxes in all stages of packing. Have fun!
sucky erin