Can we put Stargate to sleep now - please?

May 01, 2006 00:35

I found out recently that Stargate, the low-budget skiffy sci-fi series based on a 1994 middling hit movie, has been renewed for a 10th season. In the name of Cthulhu, why?

Why is this wheezing clunker renewed year after year, long after the basic premise was discarded, long after Richard Dean (MacGuyver) Anderson quit, long after the writers ran out of ideas, when other, better shows bite the dust after a few seasons?

Stargate started out okay, nothing ground-breaking, but a decent, fun little show that didn't take itself too seriously. However, it's been going downhill since the beginning of Season 3, and has been circling the drain since Season 7.

Time to pull the plug before Michael Shanks qualifies for Social Security.
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