Dec 01, 2006 13:44
So, its 12.26 am on Saturday morning, only dear jacki is online to talk to as any normal person would be in bed (or at school depending on your location). so I figure I have two choices
A) go to bed and join the normal people
B) still online for a few hours doing ridicously pointless surveys
I chose B! Lol
1.Have you had sex in the past 24 hours?thats a really out there first question... but no
2. Are you single? very...
3.Do you have hairy legs? theyre a little prickly but not to bad.
4.Do you like monkeys? yep..
5. How many fillings do you have? a few
6. Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake? er.. not fussed
7. Have you ever licked one of those square batteries? actually im a dumbass and i have. lol
8. Have you ever read the Bible? yep :)
9. Do you wear a lot of black? not really...
10. Did you ever bring a weapon to high school? sissors?
11. Do you know what a sphincter actually is? not at this hour of the day
12. Describe your hair? longish.. some layers... caramel blonde
13. Are you a wild beast? yep... you know it...
14. Do you like to have fun? always...
15. Do you like drama? er small doses are ok
16. Do you like mayonnaise? only the ones without egg. but ranch wins hands down
17. Are you afraid to die? not really... there are things scarier in life than that..
18. Do you like playing in leaves? yep...
19. Do you like lyme tic tacs? what are they?
20. Have you ever thrown up on somebody? no... ive thrown up in someone elses car?
21. Are you an adult? nope
22. Do you think you have a good handle on spelling? wtahs silplneg?
23. Are you a television addict? slightly
24. Do you think O.J. is guilty? hu?
25. Have you ever had sex in a hot tub? no
26. On a swing? no
27. Do you like Elvis? do i care?
28. Do you enjoy watching animals? Do What?
29. Ever been hit on at a zoo? i was checked out..?
30. Does your mom think someone's hot? eww no.
31. Are you a sugar freak? yep...
32. When you hear a knock on the door, do you think "oh shit it's
the cops"? lol no
33. Will you ever have sex with a total stranger? no
34. Ever commit a crime and gotten away with it? er... define crime? as in j walking is a crime.. then yes.. hasnt everyone?
35. Do you like orange juice? i love it
36. Ever do the party boy dance in front of the elderly? no
37. Where do you wish you were right now? SL as usual... man i miss that place
38. Did you enjoy this? im thinking i should have gone to bed..
39. Did you eat your glue as a child? sadly yes...
40. Did you ever put beans up your nose? no
41. Have you ever heard your parents having sex? no
42. Have your parents ever caught you having sex? no
43. Can you roll your tongue? iindeed i can
44. Can you lick your own nose? no
45. Do you like Halloween? it was fun...
46. Do you remember Jem and the Holograms? what?
47. Can you tie a cherry stem with your tongue? ive never tried with a cherry stem but no
48. Who is in the room with you? im alone...
49. Who is the last person to text you? isah
50. Whose house did you last go to? susies
51. Who was the last person you told you love them? um... no idea...
52. What was the last thing you ate? pasta
53. What was the last thing you did? scratched my ear?
54. What color pants are you wearing? pink shorts
55. What is the closest item near you that is blue? a stapler thats in the shape of a crocodile
56. What are you wearing on your feet? nothing...
57. What instant messaging service do you use? MSN/AIM
58. What is your favorite website? Hotmail.. i love emails :)
58. What is your favorite pair of shoes? theres to many...
59. What do you wear more, jeans or sweatpants? Jeans
60. Whats the last movie you watched? er.. beauty and the beast. lol
61. What do you currently hear right now? the quiet hum of the computer..
62. When is your birthday? aug
63.When did you last go to the mall? monday prehaps?
64. When did you last buy a new pair of pants? er a while ago
65. When did you last take a shower? yesterday
66. Where is your favorite place to be? hmm the heins house
67. Where is your phone?right in front of me
68. Where is your mom? which one? er.. ones in bed ones at work
69. Where do you sleep? my bed
70. Where do you shop the most? no idea...
71. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? mackinac island
72. Where in your house are you? study
73. Where was your default MySpace picture taken? er at someones house
74. Why did you fall in love with the one you love or have loved? Because he was the hes the most amazing person ive meet and couldnt help falling for him..
75. Why does, basically, half the world have myspace? because were computer obsesed
76. Why did you pick your MySpace user name? i just did
77. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? because i love them and didnt want to part from them.
Hmmm Im thinking that B was a Bad chose and so now im going with A .. night