Dec 19, 2010 10:20
I have a really busy day ahead today, not quite sure if I'm feeling up for it!
Today is Sunday so it's definitely not my normal type of day. Usually it's up, out for work, home, dinner, TV, cleaning, bed, repeat. (It's super exciting being a working mom, lol.) But Sundays are so much different. The hubby went to work before I even woke up and when I awoke I was lucky because it wasn't from Benji banging on his bedroom door or even worse poking me in the eye. He doesn't quite have door handles down yet but every once in a awhile he'll get lucky and come wake me up in person as opposed to just making noise to wake me up. I was able to have an amazingly lazy morning in bed, surfing the web on my phone. Finally got motivated, made coffee and was able to have my breakfast (generic version of special K red berries cereal, yum) all still before Benji was making noise! Then when I was putting my bowl in the sink I heard him awake so I got his breakfast ready and then went to get him up and changed and eating. He's enjoying his oatmeal and milk while I type this.
Next we'll need to get cleaned up and dressed, then I'll have him enjoy some morning Nick Jr. while I tidy up and fold some laundry. (See, super exciting, mom life.) Later though we are going to Alana's mother's house for Christmas with Lexi! Alana and Lexi will be in Oklahoma with Lexi's daddy for the actual Christmas so we're having her NY Christmas early. After that we'll be eating the awesome dinner Alana is cooking for her sister Angela's birthday. Then home, bed, and back to the normal type of day tomorrow!