Jeff Buckley on repeat...

Aug 07, 2005 20:06

Aaaagh, the torturous post-breakup time.... if we remembered with total clarity these times of angst we wouldn't venture into new relationships! The tears, the angst, sad-making music, too much wine, hugging the cat too tightly so it wriggles away, tearful phone calls to family, not answering the phone if it's anyone else, picturing a sad empty life stretching away in front of you (countereacted by imagining the inappropriate sex you will be having with a complete stranger very very soon).... ah woe is me!~

Packing report: house is divine, housemates unROOL, room too small for all my things, millions of half full boxes staring at me, cat cranky as locked in room, bed painting project still on verandah, still unpainted (to do Monday)

Happiness report: Pirates all met today, had a BBQ and far too much pink wine, and a teary viewing of The Notebook (note to self: ban all boys from viewings in future). And today I felt happy. Today I hardly thought about Shell or my grieving self, and just had a nice time. A really nice time. So I would like to thank my housemates, and Australian winemakers. Planted herbs in pots on the back deck and tonight Toby will be coming out of the bedroom for a look around the house!
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