Jetlag: You don't need to leave the country to have the joy of it

Jul 07, 2005 18:40

I have been lurching around in a twilight world of foggily remembered conversations, snoozes on the couch, caffeine drips, Lean Cuisines microwaved at 1am, and occasions where I have found myself parking the car somewhere, and not remembering actually driving there. One might think that I should be checking into AA right now, but in fact I have stumbled into the strange universe that only belongs to a small breed of people; the Day Shift Worker who becomes a Night Shift Worker half way through the week. Totally adjusting my body clock over on a Thursday and then back again on Sunday has left me perpetually feeling jetlagged and woozy. Now, where did I put my glass of wine....

Tonight I am working 9pm until 5am, luckily being a Thursday about 5 of those hours will be gainfully spent sewing quilt squares together, and doing crosswords. And eating Lean Cuisine and drinking coffee and things containing guarana.

My new quilt project is coming along beautifully, the mother-to-be of quilt recipient has not yet reported any labour pains or premature dilation, but I am still sewing as quickly as possible, as she is due in a week. I have chosen a white waffle weave cotton, a sky blue, a sky blue tiny gingham and pale lemon... I did attempt to make a 'pattern' but gave up after 3 days and am now just alternating white with colours. My ebay quilting hoop arrived yesterday and now I just have to teach myself to do the quilty bit. Found out today from Russell that there is an entire show about quilting on Foxtel, and that all quilters apparently look like frumpy middle aged Christian women. I may be only 29 and a pagan/buddhist/wiccan/spiritualist HOWEVER I do normally wear a tracksuit whilst sewing, so perhaps I could still be accepted into the fold.

The panic is starting to set in, I am moving in 3 and a half weeks and feel like I have so much to do! Visiting my local friendly Income Tax Professional tomorrow for tax return (how prompt am I! So virtuous!) (Note to self: do not disclose to disapproving tax agent that your last return was for 8 years all in one go) and am hoping for more than expected so I can leave both jobs a week earlier and have the whole week to pack and organise self.

Ah well, best go "get ready" for work. This consists of: taking off tracksuit, showering, brushing hair, maybe a bit of mascara and lipgloss and then straight back into the tracksuit! Then I get home at 5.30am and crawl straight into bed, get up midafternoon and repeat process, ensuring underclothes are changed. And do you know, no-one notices! I love this job! Where else are you allowed to wear ugg boots and take your sewing?! Tonight I might accessorise with a jaunty woolly scarf!
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