Buying Used Books Online

May 21, 2011 13:39

There is a particular book I am looking for. I am fairly sure it is still in print, because it is part of a trilogy and we ordered/bought the other two books new. But I have a problem.
A new copy, for an affordable price, is not currently available on Amazon, or any bookstore site that I have looked on. The only ones I can find are used. But I have been advised by family members (as, for various financial reasons, I cannot order things online myself) not to order used books online, as you are unaware of their condition, and therefore could end up with something really beat up.
So my question is: has anyone else ever bought used books online, and what kind of condition did they arrive in? (Any other place to look online that is not Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Books-a-Million would be appreciated, as well.) Thank you.

looking for books

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