Jul 21, 2016 08:41
This is for a school project. Answer if you like.
Marketing Survey Questions: Pixar’s All-Ages-Appeal
1. For All Adults: What do you find most appealing about Pixar’s films?
2. For Parents: Are there any jokes that you understood, but your kids didn’t? Why or why not?
3. For Parents: What did your kids like best about the films’ stories or characters?
4. For Parents: What did you like best?
5. For All Adults: What are your top four Pixar films and why?
6. For Everyone: How often did you see each film in theaters?
7. For All Adults: Do you go to full-price theaters, or wait for bargain ones?
8. For Everyone: Did you buy any of the films on DVD?
9. For Everyone: What are your top five favorite characters and why?
10. For All Adults: What was the first Pixar film you saw and why?
11. For All Adults: How old were you when you saw it?
12. For Everyone: What was the most recent Pixar film you saw?
13. For Everyone: Do you plan to see Finding Dory?
14. For Everyone: Which of Pixar’s new releases are you the most interested in and why?
15. For All Adults: What do you think has made Pixar so successful?