Cutting My Losses

Apr 21, 2008 19:14

The last few months I've just had to cut my losses with friends. I help them out, or I think I'm helping them out, and they just screw me over. They lie to me. They give me pathetic excuse after pathetic excuse. I'm going places in life. I'm getting my life in order. I'm so happy with my life. I've had to fire a lot of people as friends. I've let go of people that were only holding me back. I'm going forward at such an excerated pace and I can't have an anchor holding and bringing me down. I don't have room in my life for liars. In the end they lie to themselves the most. I have a wonderful boyfriend. My mom has never seen me be so happy EVER. We are getting our lives together. We're probably going to get married next year. It used to be so hard to cut my losses. I can't just let a friend go. But if they are just going to take advantage to you and tell you lie after lie, then fuck them. Now it's easy to cut my losses. Once I catch them in a lie, it's over. I don't have room in my life for leaches and liars. I have so many goals and I'm accomplishing them. I'm getting my writing career in order. I like the track my education is on. I love where my relationship is going. So I don't have room for losers. All they do is drain me of my energy of fiances. I used to allow it. So I have nobody to blame but myself.

Being an adult means taking responsibility for your own actions. You have to own up to your mistakes. After you do that, you learn from your mistakes. Then you grow and evolve. And you move on to better things. Otherwise you'll just be doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.
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