Well, I just got a craving for cooked apples, and I don't really like crusts so I decided to look around for recipes where you just make the apples warm and eat 'em. I found Rachel Ray's
recipe and decided to, of course, mess with it some--mostly just increasing the quantities b/c my apples are so much bigger than the apples she called for.
Hot Spiced Apples
2 largeish apples (I used Braeburns), cored and sliced pretty thinly
5 tbsp butter
1 small lemon, juiced
1/2 c dark brown sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp ground allspice
good sprinkle nutmeg
tiny bit salt
4 tbsp spiced rum
Good quality vanilla ice cream
I mixed everything but the butter together in a bowl and let it sit while I melted the butter over medium heat. (Our stove gets super-hot, so I decreased the heat a little bit.) I added the apples and stuff to the butter and cooked it until the apples were soft, and the sauce was thick and caramely looking--about 15 minutes. I sprinkled the apples with turbinado sugar and then with good vanilla ice cream.
A little Christmasy for August, but Jake and I cleaned our bowls. :>