Jun 07, 2003 23:26
I was in the mood to do nothing. And basically I have a mood disorder because clearly I suck. So I didn't do nothing. My mom took me to dinner completely against my will, thus the title. It was all OK in the end though, because I decided to soeak only french after my dessert came. Because it was a french dessert of course. That was a fun moment or two. Then I got new books. 4 new books in fact. I get such a high from picking out books, I really am insane.
My tongue is BURNT. Burnt! I ask you...
Everyone misses last summer. Well I don't. Dig it? Besides, this summer will be a veritable orgasm of fun, just you wait. IF IT WOULD ONLY FUCKING START. But yeah, everyone will say things like "That was such a fun summer!" and "Naomi I'm sooo utterly thrilled that we were friends this summer because I had so much fun!" and "Naomi you beautiful girl, may I bear your children?"
I can hear it now.
I can't believe we have a whole week left. You've collected the books and turned in our grades already you geniuses. So will you just GET OVER this little "school" thing? Please? I'll strip. I really will. Come on. Oh you're no fun. Fine, fine. I don't care. Shut up.
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to rejoice at the untimely passing of Naomi the Invincible(or Naomi l'Indomptable to the frenchies). She called her self Naomi the Invincible, but apparently she wasn't.
So, Hershey Park, was it as good for you as it was for me?
HP:I doubt it, it was mighty good for you
NT: are you sure?
HP:Well, since you don't like scary rides you only when on two things. Overall, I think it was a good experience for us both.
NT: hey, shut up. But I agree.
Then afterwards I had a sleeping partee with Lizzy and the Wench. Whose going to hunt me down now.