Please link to three applications that you have voted on: Name: Maia
Age (please older than 13): 18
Location: Chicago
A few positive adjectives to describe yourself: caring, maternal, determined, sweet, fun, loyal, hard-working.
A few negative adjectives to describe yourself: stubborn, sensitive, shy, push-over
What are your interests/hobbies/past times: Theatre, costuming, acting, writing, hanging out with my friends and my boyfriend, playing Heroes III, watching my boyfriend play Bioshock.
What's your dream home like: A house in Seattle at the top of the mountanious area so I can see the entire city with a big yard, my husband, and our kids.
Favorite Bands: Hmmm... Taylor Swift, Matchbox 20, Demi Lovato.
Favorite Movies (non animated): Fight Club, Suburban Girl,
What song or quote can you best identify with?: “For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.” ~ Audrey Hepburn
Anything else you would like to share?
How would you try to stop your enemy? I dunno. Try to persuad them and then if that doesn't work out, I might drop it.
In which categories would you like to be stamped? (at least 2) Princess, Prince, Animal, Villian, Couple
If you want your pet to be stamped, please briefly describe their personality, quirks, etc.
If you want to be stamped as a couple, please briefly describe your boyfriend/girlfriend, what your favorite thing to do together, etc.
Hmmm... Jacob... Jacob is fun, sweet, romantic, caring. He and I have been together for 15 months yesterday. He;s my best friend. I had a huge crush on him our freshmen year and he finally asked me out the fall of our junior year. He was worth the wait. He makes me feel braver.
Post 3 or more pictures of yourself. (pictures from your animals or boy/girlfriend are allowed, we can stamp those to if you want)