Oct 26, 2004 22:49
WOW! Life is sooo grrrreat right now! Ryan is amazing and i love him soooo much more then he will ever know. I hear that Brandon's got a new g/f (although i am so sure that he would never want me to know that. Or maybe he does...i don't know because he jusd\t avoids me at work now) W/e works for him. Anyways....i'm sooo happy! Life is great! (i said that...i know) BUt it really is. And check this....if lance can find the costume....i'm going to be a playboy bunny for halloween! HEHE...i'm sooo excited....we have the ears, the tail, the bow tie, and the cuffs.......as long as we can get tracy to tell us wear she hid them...lol.....anyways...im soooo excited for that one! YAY! ok well i'm going to go to sleep. Actually i am going to go clean my room before i go to bed...and tomorrow i'm going to lay out on my pool deck till 2 when i hafta shower and go to work. (i tried to roller blade to work today....HA...its like 14 miles....needless to say that i called in and they laughed at me and said to just go home....lol) So i got the day off from work and spent it with my baby! *I LOVE YOU!!!!!! And anyway i'm really leaving now! Ok so i lied....i have one more picture to take on my camera then i can take it to get it developed and then scan them and then photobucket them and then post them...HA....that may take awhile but ill process them as quick as i can so i can share the love! *MUAH
<3, Stephanie