I'm a goat.

Jan 25, 2010 18:32

I've decided that I now want to post here much more often, as I am feeling that the blog is quite neglected, which is solely my fault. Plus I've been reading ridiculously large quantities of the bloggess, which is the best blog ever, and it has inspired me (okay maybe not really). But here I am, nonetheless! This weekend has been pretty quiet, by choice more than circumstance. I believe that I needed a weekend locked in the house by myself to war with my emotions, and now that we've thoroughly duped it out, I am ready to emerge, at least marginally victorious. So what is new in the life of moi? not a whole lot, when you look at it on paper. Watched movies with harleyscot and phantom_shade  on friday, spilt red cooler all down the inside of my shirt (which I believe has permanently stained one of my favorite white bra's...tear) and had some newly-single y-chromisome exclusive fun. And then when I got home I could not for the life of me sleep. So I ended up on facebook talking randomly until four in the morning, bizarre... but helpful in the battle against my emotions.

I figure if a guy doesn't want to hang out with this awesomeness... his loss. And I plan to explore this newly adopted philosiphy at Oil City Roadhouse on Friday if all goes according to plan. And y'all are most welcome to join me.

Speaking of joining me... one of these nights in the very VERY near future, we, all of us, are going to The Bank Ultralounge, all gussied up to make the boys jaws drop on a Saturday night, which happens to be ladies night, to dance the night away. H and myself have been suggesting this for far too long, and I am finally putting this plan into the woodworks. Mid February is when I am shooting for, so fingers crossed all of my academically bound gals. Tomorrow is Monday already, woohoo.

P.S. I suggest everyone watch The Deep End... I am newly addicted to it and the guy...whoo... 'nuff said.
14 weeks until my artportfolio is due.

friends, shibang, randomness

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